Jumaat, 2 Disember 2011


semua yang suzie coret dalam blog suzie adalah sekadar luahan dari hati....tak der niat nak mengaibkan sesapa...kalau ader yang terasa tu terpulang..mungkin benar perkara tu suzie cuba kaitkan dengannya. kalau si pembaca tau maksudnya..tak perlu nak bawak mulut.(walaumacamner pon lumrah manusia akan bercakap jugak kan...same as me sometimes)... suzie pon tulis di sini tak direct to the person.. and kalau person tu terasa nak wat camner.... most things yg suzie luahkan tu da banyak kali suzie bg hint yg suzie tak suke apa yang dia buat kat suzie tapi still buat jugak and thats melibatkan maruah suzie sebagai seorang perempuan. jangan sampai suzie sound direct depan2 orang ramai....diri tu jugak yg malu.... okey....

and about my personal problems... thats my mistake coz tak privatekan catatan tu....and thats isue publish on FB...too humiliate but things already happens.... for those yg tau..just be silent okey.. i dont need free gossips.and for everybody near me who take care of me..thanks a lot.. apreciate all that. maybe im too emotional lately.i'm realized that its to secrety to story mory about that. and i'm menyesal jugak to tell that..hmmm... thats why im trying to being so silent but...sometimes need to talk to but when i'm start talking...bad things happens and i don't like that at all....may be its better for my self being silents and invisible again like before..to much talking means to much trouble for me.

what can i do?...

for the next time i'll make sure "tapis" dulu entry before terbitkan catatan....

i'm not talking badly about him in this blog........ WHY!!!!....why people say that I'M talking bad of him?.... so sad.... and i try tak layan if people yg tak kenal try to ask what happens...... just blog and someof the  part of my blog is just a novel.(mungkin isi ader kaitan skit ngan hidup i but not 100%... people suker baca citer sedey..so i just write down...sapa yg suker baca..just baca..sapa yang tak suka just ignore... dont jugde me badly.... urghhhhhhh......  so much...much..much... menyesal sangat...
if i can turn back time.....arggggghhhhhhh!!!!!.....

1 ulasan:

alin berkata...

alahai..ade yang terasa ke??buat bodoh je la wei..

kalau pasal personal problem tu,aku tak tau nak kate cmne..kadang² pun aku tercerita jugak..

orang senang je nak jatuhkan kite,cite bukan² pasal kite,tapi susah nak cari supporter..pape pun,just believe in yourself!!

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